German bank reduces testing costs by 60%
Case study: Summit Test Automation
Client: German Bank
Project: Automation of Summit test cases for the internal release testing
Automation level: 250 end-to-end business scenarios automated
Automation efforts: 2 RightClick consultants for 2 months (~ 90 days)
Summit modules covered: Trade capture and lifecycle, Treasury, Fixed income, Static data, Intraday reports, Accounting, Back Office Operations, Payments and Documentation, User rights, etc.
Project highlights
Test Cases designed by RightClick consultants after discussions with various business departments at the bank.
Agreed on Test Cases to be automated by RightClick - Summit core as well as bank customizations covered.
Automation standards followed – tests are independent, re-runnable, consistent results, environment agnostic, using generic dates, etc.
Some departments chose to provide input on their area by recording the tests themselves. These tests were afterwards reviewed by RightClick to comply with automation standards.
Integration of automated tests into the bank's release cycle.
Automated test execution, comparison of results and out-of-the box audit-compliant test documentation considerably reduced the testing efforts for internal releases
Over 60% cost reduction reported on the testing side
Investment in test automation was recovered after 2 internal releases at the bank
Better level of quality by testing more using automated tests
Faster implementation of internal release and ability to deploy new functionality more often
Client feedback
"We clearly noticed an improvement in quality of our releases due to more thorough testing done with RightClick TMS. Â And thanks to how well the tests were designed by the RightClick team, their maintenance is a breeze, so the overall value is definitely worth the investment."